STC Guard Card Training®
Why spend months developing your own materials and then struggle with state agencies for approval? License training materials already approved for use in your state!
Developing cogent training materials takes time and experience. Add the complications of navigating state laws, regulations, administrative codes, training requirements, and minimum course times and it can be an overwhelming endeavor. Once course development is complete, there are still the onerous tasks of submitting the material, getting it reviewed and eventually approved by state regulatory agencies. All of these tasks must be completed before the first student can be trained, which can delay opening, and thus revenue generation, by months.
STC Guard Card Training® has already done all of the heavily lifting. Our world-class training materials have already been submitted to, reviewed by and approved by the required state agencies. They are ready to go "out of the box."
We offer a turn-key solution to licensed security guard card training. All the development, stress and approvals are taken care of. Just open the box and start teaching!
Printed Students Manuals
Professionally printed and bound manuals priced such that training facilities can give the manuals away to students. All material is presented in an easy to understand format using common language without industry jargon.
Student manuals include:
- State regulations
- State Penal Codes
- Industry best practices
- Charts and graphs
- Photographs
- Knowledge checks
Instructor PowerPoint Presentations
Designed to make even the most inexperienced lecturer look professional.
- Reinforces key points
- Compliments student manuals
- Charts and graphs
- Photographs
- Knowledge checks
Final Examinations
Professionally crafted exams designed to challenge students and test understanding of key learning activities.
All examinations are compliant with local state testing guidelines and requirements.
Setting a National Standard for Guard Card Training
Many companies have highly trained and experienced individuals but either lack the teaching experience or materials to be able to impart the knowledge. For situations like these, Security Training Center,® offers pre-packaged training materials. Our team is comprised exclusively of educational professionals, many of whom hold advanced degrees in Adult Education and Training.
Self-paced Online Training (Asynchronous eLearning)
The program was designed, created and built by education professionals with a background in security and personal protection. All of the lessons can be taken at any time of the day or night. The student sets the time to learn without the hassle of restricted classroom hours or limited space. Complete the lessons at your pace and when it is convenient for you. Each lesson is on-demand.
The training program includes:
- Set Your Own Pace
- Audio lecture
- Video demonstrations
- Animations
- Examples
- Dramatizations
- End of Lesson Knowledge Checks
- Examinations
Each lesson was specifically crafted to keep the student's interest while imparting critical and practical job skills.
"I have been a peace officer in California for 22 years and have attended 1000's of hours of training, including 100's of hours of on-line training (both law enforcement and private sector training). By far, Palladium's curriculum, training materials and the training platform are the best. The environment was very easy to navigate and the materials were presented in a very easy to learn format. For anyone out there who is looking into becoming a professional security guard, I recommend Palladium On-Line Security Training Center for their training needs. I will be attending Palladium in the future for my additional training requirements."
Greg Lewis, Private Investigator/Qualified Manager
"Palladium Security has a great program that makes getting your license easier because it works around your own schedule."
J. Hallas
"I have 22 years of law enforcement experience in several different capacities. I thought taking this course was just going to be a formality. But not only did I find the information in the modules interesting, I also learned quite a bit. And the price was right too. Thanks Palladium!"
Jeff S.
Bakersfield, CA
California BSIS-Licensed Online Guard Card Training
Arizona DPS-Licensed Online Guard Card Training
First Wisconsin Online Guard Card Training